January 25, 2008


Today's Prophetic Word from Janet deals with the ever increasing need to remove hinderances that so easily encumbers us. As you read this, ask yourself what areas of your life need a little "housecleaning?" And now, today's Prophetic Word....
"It is time for debris to be moved out of your way. Debris that has
blocked you from moving forward into that which I have called you to move
forward in. So today, says the Lord, I have sent My angels to move the
debris out of the way. Heavy debris that seemed impossible to move. Obstacles
and debris that many of you were not even aware was there in your
way. But by My Spirit through your prayers the answer is coming.

The debris is being moved for you and your family. I have heard your many
prayers and have sent My angels to move those very things that need to be
moved. Obstacles that have held you back are being cleared. I am now
making a smooth path for you to move forward. Traps that have been set by the
enemy for you, he will now fall into himself.

All kinds of objects that you could not go around are now being moved. You
will now have an ease in moving along and you will see this come to pass even
beginning today. So rejoice, for it is My good pleasure to do this for My sons
and daughters. You have been faithful, but even more than that, I am faithful to
that which I have spoken in My word to do.

Debris and all kinds of obstacles are being moved for you to get the job
done for My Kingdom says the Lord. So rejoice and be glad for your labor has not
been in vain says God."

Thank you for allowing me to share this Word from the Lord with you today.

Love Janet.

January 24, 2008


Have you ever said to yourself, "It is over for me. I am going nowhere!"

Many describe this feeling almost as if they have had a "spiritual vasectomy or spiritual tubaligation" so to speak. In other words, nothing they put their hands to or "sow" into seems to go anywhere or "produce" anything.

But here is what I believe the Spirit of God is saying to you......

"I have taken you to the operating room of heaven. Many of you are not even aware of it, but never the less, it has taken place. I have opened what was stopped up. I have cleared that which was blocked. I have reconnected that which was disconnected. I have brought new to that which was old. Old ways of thinking are being done away with. A new mind set. A fresh mind set.

What you believed was over in your life really has only just begun. Fertile, fertile, fertile is what I say! Productive, productive, productive, is what I say! I have untied the blockage and opened the way so that once again you may be used by Me and bring forth fruit, fruit, fruit that will last even in your old age. Did I not do it for Abraham and Sarah? Are you any different? It is not over until I say it is over! A time of conception, birth, and growth. Not a time of death, but life says the Lord.

So re-evaluate your old mind set and see if I will not do it says the Lord. Release those doubts and uncertainties to Me and receive a fresh start of something great. Away with spiritual sterility, for I am reversing says the Lord. Old things have passed away, behold all things become new. Get back on track"
As I look at the year 2008, the number 8 means New Beginnings! Many of you are being given a new beginning this year so don't waste it. Claim this year as your new dawn.

God bless each of you.

Love, Janet

January 23, 2008


I believe one of the things most needed in the body of Christ right now is "flexibility".

As it is in the natural (being flexible) so it is in the Spirit. I have had to come to grips with this myself as over the past several years is in order to stay flexible (especially at my age), I have to physically work harder than the younger ones.

It is the same as we walk for years with the Lord. When we are young in the Lord, we are much more flexible, but the longer we have been in the Lord, we seem to get set and unmovable. I am not talking about being swept away by weird doctrines but I am talking about getting stuck in one place and becoming very rigid in our thinking.

God is continually challenging us by doing new things, and revealing new things. The question I continually ask myself is, "Am I able to flow with the new (on any given subject) or is my mind set to 5, 10 or 40 years ago. I think this is a question we must all ask from time to time.

As for me and my house, I want to be a vessel that carries the "new wine." In order for this to happen, I can not be an "old wine skin" or the new will be too much for the "old" to handle and the end result is it will burst and everything will be lost. The worst thing is that lives that would have been changed, now won't be.

This apostolic, prophetic move that God has brought to the church is taking us into the new. Will we resist it or be flexible and allow God to transform our minds in order to reach who He wants to reach in the now and the future.

I want to be flexible, but I know it is going to require me staying open to the fresh wind of God that is blowing. His glory will (and is) covering the earth.....His people are His carriers.

Be flexible won't you? It's vital to your growth. Yes there has always been the false and counterfeit, but when you desire to be flexible, God will give you discernment and wisdom when you ask for it. He is doing something so fresh and new on the earth, you won't want to miss it.

January 18, 2008

So You Want to be a Prophet?

Anyone who has been called into the "office" of the Prophet knows that you did not choose it for yourself! And oh do I mean that. You may think you can call yourself into this office, but do not be fooled; you will fail miserably if you have done that. God only anoints who and what He calls.

Most of the time, when someone receives a word from the Lord prophetically (that they have been called as a prophet) they think, or maybe they don't think, what it will cost. It sounds like such a desired place to be, but actually it can be the loneliest place in the world. It is the office where such death must occur to the flesh.

When the Lord promotes you, not all will see it much less accept it. They only see who they think you are and are sure of one thing, that you have not been called there at all. And with that, they let others know what they think they see about you when in all actuality they don't see. Every prophet called by the Lord has gone through this. It is part of what happens to all of us. You either become bitter over it, or you allow it to graduate you up to a higher level of love and forgiveness. I know some who are reading this can more than identify. But even in that, God will allow it and test your heart in severe rejection, lies and misunderstanding.

Every prophet must start somewhere. It is not always a pretty picture when you start, but you must trust God and step out even when everything in you says everyone is against you but a few. The secret is that of connection and covering. Anyone can miss it, but especially the Prophet. Just because a prophet of the Lord occasionally misses it, does not mean they are not a prophet. It means they are not God! That is why the body of Christ needs to be very discerning and judge each word spoken. Doesn't mean we are to be critical, but discerning.

Many in the body of Christ misinterpret the gift of discernment with a critical, judgmental spirit yet call it discernment. So be very careful. Ask God for great discernment and He will give it to you. Some have this gift very tuned, and some do not. That is why being connected and receiving Godly council is vital for all, especially a new prophet just beginning in the ministry. There is so much to learn and it is so important that you have the right covering and mentor to take you by the hand and help you walk this path. Someone who is very very seasoned and mature in God who can speak truth into your life at all times.

Some of you may think that I have just gone through some terrible ordeal? No, that’s not the case at all. I have already been there and done that and will always have to keep my heart right when people misunderstand who I am in God. This is part of our growing process. I thank God for Apostles, Prophets, Teachers, Evangelists, and Pastors. They have each been given to the church for a reason ... to equip the saints, for the work of the ministry.

I personally have wonderful Apostle's and Prophet's over my ministry who are not 'yes' people, but people who will tell it to me like it is. How else do we make adjustments and corrections? None of us are perfect, only trying to get there one day. The call of a prophet can be a very fearful one, because so many depend on you to hear God. This is why much of our time must be spent in our prayer closet alone with God seeking His face. There seems to be a lot more responsibility placed on the prophet and it has been that way throughout scripture. It holds many challenges and yet many rewards as well. Keeping our eyes on Jesus and staying rightly related and plugged into the body of Christ is a must.

Remember, iron sharpens iron. I thank God for everything I have gone through in this walk with Him. It has served to grow me up because I have allowed it to do so. I pray that this year like never before that I look more and more like Him because I have been in His presence more than ever. I pray that is your prayer as well.

So I just wanted to bless each of you and thank God for His body that He died for. You are very precious in His sight.

God bless and may this year be your year for God's promotion, because when God promotes, no man can sit you down.

In His love,


January 9, 2008


A Word from the Lord for Today!

"In a world of chaos, I am bringing order. I am the God of order, not disorder. There are many who feel out of order and many who have no clue that their lives are out of order. But in the coming days, weeks, months and years, I will bring such order to those who will submit to My will in their lives. Order, not control. Divine order is what I am calling forth. And some would say, "My life is so out of order, how will it ever come into order?" And God would say, "Don't you know that's what I do best when your heart simply says yes!" So just say, "Yes Lord, bring order to my life starting now." "Do not think order brings limitations. Do not be fooled simply by the word 'order'. True divine order brings liberty. Great liberty to do what I am calling you to do in the earth. So rethink where you are and what you are doing and call upon Me in every area of your life and just watch and see how things begin to be brought into My divine order. Soon you will see how important this little, but powerful word really is in your life. ORDER......want some?

January 1, 2008

2008 - The WORD of the Lord is "GATES."

A word for 2008 The Lord would say....
"2008 will be the beginning of opening and closing gates. Gates that have
been locked for centuries will now be opened. Gates that have been opened for
centuries, will now be shut. Gates (that represent entrances into peoples
hearts) that have been closed for generations to the kingdom of God which may be entire families will suddenly be opened.

Gates of wealth to enlarge My kingdom that have been withheld for years
will now be opened. Gates of ministry will be opened that in the past kept you
out. So many gates for so many things. Gates in the heavenlies are being opened
because it is absolutely the right time for them to open. Gates, gates, gates,
opening says the Lord. You just watch and see.

Even as I will be opening gates(entrances) in 2008, I will also be closing
gates(entrances) that need to be closed. For some, these gates need to be closed
in order for you to proceed and progress to the new gate I have in store for you
to go through."

This is just some of what will be happening beginning in 2008. God is speaking to many others as well. Let's hear what God is saying to His people for this year in scripture:

Genesis 22:17-"blessing I will bless you, and multiplying I will multiply
your descendants as the stars of the heaven and as the sand which is on the
seashore; and your descendants shall possess the gate of their enemies.

Genesis 28:17- And he was afraid and said, "How awesome is this place! This
is none other than the house of God, and this is the gate of heaven!"

Psalms 118:19 Open to me the gates of righteousness, I will go through
them, and I will praise the Lord. This is the gate of the Lord, through which
the righteous shall enter.

Isaiah 62:10 Go through, go through the gates! Prepare the way for the
people; build up, build up the highway! Take out the stones, lift up a banner
for the peoples!

Jererimiah 7:2 Stand in the gate of the Lord's house, and proclaim there
this word, and say, 'Hear the word of the Lord, all you of Judah who enter in at
these gates to worship the Lord!"

Isaiah 26:2 Open the gates, that the righteous nation(peoples) which keeps
the truth may enter in.

Matthew 16:18- "And I also say to you that you are Peter, and on this rock
I will build My church and the gates of Hades shall not prevail against

God's word is full of scriptures referring to gates. Take time and read these scriptures as the Lord reveals them to you in His word. God bless each of you and may you go through the new gates this year that the Lord is opening to you and may you properly exit the ones that He is closing for you.