February 25, 2008


Being IN this world but not OF it!

Through the years, the Church has tried to be relevant to those around her. This idea was not a bad one, but in some cases, there have been those who went so far to the other side they now believe anything goes.

I am one who believes like Paul the Apostle said, "I have become all things to all people that I may win the more to Christ". The problem that many have fallen into is rubbing shoulders so closely with the world that they looked, smelled and tasted just like the world and became deceived themselves. They then fell into the same trap the people of the world are in---


Calling everything that is Godly, "religious!”

There is a fine line that believers need to walk. Remember, we are to be in the world, but not of the world. I am not talking about whether you have a glass of wine or not. It goes way beyond that! It is about swinging to far to the other side you become trapped back in the world with no conviction of right or wrong.

I totally believe that we need to be relevant in order for people to be able to relate to Christ in us, but the Church needs to be careful we don’t have people misinterpret who we really are and who it is we represent.

We are to be like Him, not like the world. I did not say, "Holier than Thou". I just said, separated and different so that they will want what you and I have…Jesus!

In the past we taught that holiness equaled ‘you can't do this or you cant do that'. Well, who wants to live like that? Now however we find that the Church has swung totally to the other side. God is bringing His Church to the place it needs to be, where we will make a huge impact on the world for the glory of God.

I am all for having a great time, because the Earth is the Lord's and the fullness thereof, but we are also His and need to make sure we are doing it His way and not our way.

We can have a great time and still be sold out to Him. I hate religious spirits; so don't misunderstand what I am saying here. We just need to be in the right place and position in God to make the huge impact He wants to make in the earth.

Find your place in Him and He will show you where you belong and what you can or can’t do according to His word. Simple as that!

Blessings on each of you,

Love, Janet.

February 15, 2008

02/15/2008 PROPHECY

NOTE: Todays prophetic word from the Lord comes without additional comments or interpretation but is exactly as the Lord gave it to Prophet Janet. May the reader ponder these words on their own, seek the Lord as to their meaning for them and ask Him how they should apply this word relevant for today. As the Lord gives you direction and interpretation, please let us know by emailing Janet via her website at www.JanetCrewsMinistries.com. Blessings and Peace.

“What do roller coasters, revolving doors, merry go rounds, and musical chairs have in common? They speak of a fast pace, going around in circles and instability. I have not called you to this kind of life. I have called you to a life of stability, balance, and peace.

For you see, the enemy has tricked many into thinking it will always be this way and that there is no way to slow down the pace. But I say, “No it will not always be this way. For I have made a better way for you.

Hustle, hustle, hustle, go, go, go, move, move, move is not my best for you. Did I not speak to Martha about her busyness? This has been a trap that many of you have fallen in to keep you going in circles, keep you fatigued, worn out and frayed.

Remember time is in My hands and I am in control when you let Me be. It is time to rethink and re-examine what you are doing or not doing and where you think you are going or not going. Allow Me to lead your paths. Allow Me to stop this up and down, in and out, and round and round cycle.

I want you to look at Mary and glean from her example. I want you to look at My Son’s life and copy His lifestyle as much as you can. Impossible you might say? I would tell you, not at all. I would not have given you His life as an example if that were the case. It just seems so far out of reach right now for you to attain, but it is attainable. It is possible when you allow Me to order and align your lifestyle. So, give it over to Me and just watch and see what an exceptional God I am and what I can do in such a short period of time. What have you got to loose accept your life?

Have I not called you to lay down your life so that you could find Mine? I am not condemning you. I want the very best for you just like I did for Martha. So do not allow condemnation to speak to you, but encouragement. I want to encourage you to slow down and make time. For the time comes and goes so fast that before you know it, it is gone.

So let me make plans for you and not you yourself. My plans are for your good. I know you want My plans for your lives so stop running here and there and everywhere. Sit down and take some time to be with Me. I will give you the road map you need to get the job done with such ease and peace. Isn’t this worth looking into? What’s the harm? Your way is surely not working.

The plans of man never do. So come to Me and I will lead you. Even in your old age, it is not too late. Never give up, because I never give up on you. Walk in peace with Me says the Lord. Stop before you are stopped and take a good look. For life is too short to miss Me in this says the Lord.

February 11, 2008

God Is Landscaping The Earth.

Several years ago while at one of my prophetic conferences held at South Padre Island, Texas the Holy Spirit spoke to me and said,

"Tell My people I am landscaping the earth with My prophetic people."

How many of you know that when you hear the voice of the Lord and you know it is the timing to speak what He says, that you must speak?

Jeremiah says it quite well, "His word was in my heart like a burning fire, shut up in my bones, I was weary of holding it back and I could not."

God is raising up true prophetic voices like never before. This is not just "a move of God," but a defining time with destiny and purpose that will continue through the end of the age.

We live in such exciting times. But know that even as God is raising up true prophetic voices…so is the enemy.

Those of you who know me know I do not like to focus on the enemy, but rather on God's power and glory and all that we can walk in here in the earth. But we need to be very discerning these days and “know them that labor among us.”

The church will not make it in the days, weeks, months, and even years ahead without the Apostle and Prophet. God never intended the church to be without these two office gifts. Somehow through decades and probably even centuries, the church has thought it possible to 'survive' without them.

If you’ve read through the Word of God, you know how the prophets played a key roll in getting the message to God's people many times through (the gift of) prophecy. There are many examples in scripture such as the book of Ezra where you find that as long as the Prophets were with them, they could finish the work.

This is such a time to embrace the true prophetic/apostolic gifts of God.

Wow, what a word that God gave me! He is landscaping the earth with His prophetic people. You do not have to be called into the office of the Prophet to prophesy. You do need to be accountable for what you speak.
I challenge you to stay closely connected with Bible believing, Holy Ghost people who understand the day that we are in and who will speak Godly instruction and/or correction into your life if necessary. These instructions are not to wound you, but to help you along the training road.
We are all carriers of His glory. Some people more then others, but His kingdom is within us. Luke 17:20-21 and 22:29.
This is an incredible, but true statement. Believe God when He says to covet (the gift of) prophecy and forbid it not.
God is talking, so why won't we let Him?
God bless each of you as you seek His face and hear His voice like never before.
I pray that Pastor's and leaders hear God’s truth and nothing but the truth in regard to the need for the five-fold ministry office gifts. They are there to equip the saints for the work of the ministry; now and for the future.
God bless each of you,
Love Janet

February 9, 2008

Broken Cycles

Recently I was in the great State of Texas visiting for about a month and was on my way to a prophetic church service. I know the pastor's of this church and they’ve always embraced my ministry.

As I was driving to the church service I said within myself, "Lord if you have a word (Prophetic) for this body tonight, would You please let me know". Suddenly the Holy Spirit spoke to me and said,

"Cycles. Tell them that I am going to break cycles that have plagued their lives and the lives of their families for years."

I then said to the Lord, "Well Lord, You are going to have to speak to the Pastor so that during the service he will call upon me to release (share) this word."

How many of you know when it is God, all you have to do is trust and rely on Him?

The worship service began as it always does with praise and worship when suddenly the very atmosphere was altered when a strong presence of God ushered in.

The Pastor began to call moms and dads forward and then gave them instruction as the Spirit of the Lord was leading. It was so the same direction that the Holy Spirit had spoken to me earlier!

As I continued to worship the Lord, this precious Pastor turns toward my direction and calls me up to the podium. He then asks me to pray (release) what the Lord has for the people!

Does God know His business or what? Their worship team is very sensitive to the Spirit of the Lord and so I find it very easy to get into the "groove" so to speak prophetically.

Anyway, as I took the microphone the Spirit of the Lord began to get in rhythm with the rhythmic worship that was being played and I began to sing the prophetic word out instead of speaking it.

Now to many of you this may not seem all that unusual, but for those of you who have heard me sing, you would almost be expecting my kids to say, "Mom, please stop!" (Our children are so helpful sometimes!)

Anyway, I dance. That’s what I do. I do not sing, yet yielded to the Holy Spirit, I began to sing this prophetic word out. Glory to God, He sang through me and I was just amazed.

I feel that many of you who will be reading this, need to hear and receive this word as well and run with it. So once again I want to share what I heard the Lord say,

"I am breaking cycles off of their lives and the lives of their families."

The definition of a cycle is: “An interval of time during which a characteristic, often regularly repeated event or sequence of events occurs.”

Now the “cycles” God was speaking of were undesired cycles of behavior.

I want to bring this home and ask, are there any undesired cycles of behavior in you or your family? If so, receive this word!

Breaking cycles of drug and alcohol addiction, perversion, cycles of suicide and depression, all kinds of cycles that have plagued people for years are being broken!

So receive and declare this over your life and your families and watch and see what God will do! Blessings on you BIG TIME! Love, Janet.