As I was driving to the church service I said within myself, "Lord if you have a word (Prophetic) for this body tonight, would You please let me know". Suddenly the Holy Spirit spoke to me and said,
"Cycles. Tell them that I am going to break cycles that have plagued their lives and the lives of their families for years."
I then said to the Lord, "Well Lord, You are going to have to speak to the Pastor so that during the service he will call upon me to release (share) this word."
How many of you know when it is God, all you have to do is trust and rely on Him?
The worship service began as it always does with praise and worship when suddenly the very atmosphere was altered when a strong presence of God ushered in.
The Pastor began to call moms and dads forward and then gave them instruction as the Spirit of the Lord was leading. It was so the same direction that the Holy Spirit had spoken to me earlier!
As I continued to worship the Lord, this precious Pastor turns toward my direction and calls me up to the podium. He then asks me to pray (release) what the Lord has for the people!
Does God know His business or what? Their worship team is very sensitive to the Spirit of the Lord and so I find it very easy to get into the "groove" so to speak prophetically.
Anyway, as I took the microphone the Spirit of the Lord began to get in rhythm with the rhythmic worship that was being played and I began to sing the prophetic word out instead of speaking it.
Now to many of you this may not seem all that unusual, but for those of you who have heard me sing, you would almost be expecting my kids to say, "Mom, please stop!" (Our children are so helpful sometimes!)
Anyway, I dance. That’s what I do. I do not sing, yet yielded to the Holy Spirit, I began to sing this prophetic word out. Glory to God, He sang through me and I was just amazed.
I feel that many of you who will be reading this, need to hear and receive this word as well and run with it. So once again I want to share what I heard the Lord say,
The definition of a cycle is: “An interval of time during which a characteristic, often regularly repeated event or sequence of events occurs.”
Now the “cycles” God was speaking of were undesired cycles of behavior.
I want to bring this home and ask, are there any undesired cycles of behavior in you or your family? If so, receive this word!
Breaking cycles of drug and alcohol addiction, perversion, cycles of suicide and depression, all kinds of cycles that have plagued people for years are being broken!
So receive and declare this over your life and your families and watch and see what God will do! Blessings on you BIG TIME! Love, Janet.
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